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A marsh pond , replicates the transition between wet soil and open water that would typically be found at the edge of naturally occuring earth ponds. This environment supports a wide range of aquatic plants ranging from plants that live in damp soils, to plants that require several inches of water, to floating and submerged aquatic plants found in open water. This environmental diversity also attracts a wide range of animal life. Marsh ponds with no open water are also called bog ponds.

In the illustration, the pond is excavated as a gently sloping bowl. Protection fabric is laid over the soil and covered with a rubber pond liner. A small skimmer is installed at the deepest end, under a projecting pier with a trap door for access. A submersible pump draws water into the skimmer and conveys it to a slotted pipe buried in a bed of gravel in the shallowest part of the pond. This system provides both mechanical and biological filtration, and with periodic addition of bacteria, it can be virtually maintenance free.

MARSH POND KITS: We can custom design a complete kit with everything required to build a marsh pond of any size and shape. Typical components are shown below: click on an image or title for more information. When construction is completed, we can also ship a package of appropriate plants.

boxed liner

rubber liners

protection fabric

protection fabrics



slotted pipe manifold

slotted pipe manifolds



fabric pot

fabric planting pots


flex pipe

flexible pipe

liner fitting

liner penetration fittings

gate valve






biological clarifiers




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