The following procedures apply to all hot-applied or cold-applied asphalt sheet roofs, including mineral-surface roll roofing, built-up hot asphalt, and modified bitumen. Roofs that pond water may require structural repairs to eliminate low spots. Gravel-covered roofs should be stripped to bare asphalt and filled with several heavy coats of Acrylic AE. Badly deteriorated roofs with many large bubbles, deep fissures, and crumbling asphalt should be stripped completely, re-sheathed, and treated the same as new wood roofs.
STEP 1: Scrub the roof
detergent solution.
STEP 2: Pressure-wash with a generous amount
of water to remove all traces of the detergent.
STEP 3: Using a utility knife, cut out defects
such as bubbles and loose asphalt sheets.
STEP 4: Wait until the roof dries completely,
STEP 5: Cut patches of roll roofing the same size as the sections
to be
patched and nail the patches in place over wet roof cement.
STEP 6: Apply Conservation Technology Acrylic AE as
needed to seal repairs and other problem areas.
STEP 7: Apply a coat of Conservation Technology
Asphalt Primer over the entire roof.