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TAPED FLUSH TRANSITION: A flush transition is created at the intersection between a roof and a wall where the two surfaces are flush. To fold the rubber up the wall and over the roof edge at the same time, the roof membrane must be slit at the corner. A square of Uncured Laminate Tape is folded in half with the taped side out and positioned to overhang the roof edge a few inches. The tape is unfolded to make contact with the wall and is then stretched and formed over the corner.


slit projecting rubber

STEP 1:  Slit the
rubber 90° to the roof.



fold rubber down and around edge

STEP 2:  Fold the rubber
down and around the wall.



place tape

STEP 3:  Fold a square of Uncured
Laminate Tape and place it in the corner.



lift tape

STEP 4:  Lift the tape to
make contact with the wall.



flare tape

STEP 5:  Form the tape over the edge so
that it stretches and bonds to all surfaces



TAPED PROJECTED TRANSITION: A flush transition is created at the intersection between a roof and a wall where the wall extends beyond the roof. To fold the rubber up the wall and over the roof edge at the same time, the roof membrane must be slit at the corner. A square of Uncured Laminate Tape is folded in half with the taped side out and positioned to overhang the roof edge a few inches. The tape is unfolded to make contact with the wall and is then stretched and formed over the corner.


slit projecting rubber

STEP 1:  Slit the rubber
90° to the roof.



fold rubber over edge

STEP 2:  Fold the rubber
down and onto the wall.



place tape

STEP 3:  Fold a square of Uncured
Laminate Tape and place it in the corner



lift tape

STEP 4:  Lift the tape to
make contact with the wall.



form tape

STEP 5:  Form the tape over the edge so
that it stretches and bonds to all surfaces


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